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SALARY : R733 257 per annum
CENTRE : Pretoria

REQUIREMENTS : Bachelor’s Degree / National Diploma in Auditing / Internal Audit and Accounting. 3-5 years’ working ride in chance administration of which three years need to be at Assistant Director Level. Understanding of Treasury and PFMA regulations. Knowledge of Public carrier inside controls, employer broad danger management
framework and corporative governance king report. Risk administration standards and tactics and different authorities legislations. Knowledge of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, true governance and Batho Pele Principles. The Internal Audit methodologies and procedures. Departmental Policies and Procedures. Performance Management and Monitoring. Planning and organizing, problem fixing and choice making. Project management, strategic and
analytical skills. Report writing skills, presentation skills, potential to interpret and apply policy. Ability to work with various people. Valid driver’s license.

DUTIES : Manage threat administration strategies, policies, structures and annual risk management plan. Develop threat administration maturity degree framework in the department. Conduct lookup on threat administration quality practices to improve departmental hazard administration processes. Facilitate the annual strategic risk assessment workshop, facilitate operational danger evaluation workshop, compile the strategic and operational danger registers. Develop threat administration reviews on strategic and operational dangers in the department, examine the have an impact on and likelihood of recognized dangers to the department. Facilitate and comply with up on the implementation of administration motion plans to tackle all recognized risks. Conduct risk management recognition campaigns, improve newsletters, pamphlets and email alerts to promote threat administration cognizance all through the department. Monitor the implementation of the motion plans of AGSA, inner Audit findings and different oversight committee reports. Liaise with administration on the implementation of the management motion plans and increase a popularity document on the implementation of management motion plans. Management of physical, human and financial

ENQUIRIES : Ms NM Sefiti / Mr BK Shiphamele Tel No: (012) 393 4359/2500
APPLICATIONS : Applications ought to be mailed timeously to Private Bag X922 Pretoria 0001 or hand
delivered or couriered to 217 Pretorius Street, Van Erkom Arcade constructing seventh floor,
Pretoria at the Reception Desk. Applications can additionally be emailed to

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